
Friday, October 17, 2014

Upcoming MAC Heirloom Mix Collection

Hi guys! It's been a while. I guess I have just been so content with my new Rocky Horror Picture Show makeup that I have been forgetting to update. Don't worry though, I'm back! And I am super excited about the MAC Heirloom Mix Collection which will be available online October 19th and in U.S. stores October 23rd and International November 6th!

Photo: Temptalia

Mineralized blushes, pressed pigments, glitter, and lipsticks are calling to me! I am not going to bother posting about individual items and prices, but definitely check out my girl Temptalia for more info on the collection. 

As a newcomer to makeup, I am finding more and more new brands that I love and am super excited about. Lately I am all about Paula's Choice for skincare, Bobbi Brown for foundation and corrector (that corrector is insane!) and lots and lots of Revlon lippies! There is literally so much to explore, and I am so excited to learn more. 

If any of you have blogs on anything beauty related please feel free to leave me a comment, I would love to check out your page. 

As always, thank-you for reading my blog, talk to you soon


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